The shuffling of snow could be heard behind the Archer as Ereshkigal decided to visit the Ferris wheel as her final destination in the simulation. A stark contrast to him, this goddess had a much more gentle expression on her face. Her eyes were cast at the top of the Ferris wheel in awe, gazing at the bright, multicolored lights which adorned it. Her cheeks and nose were tinted a faint pink as a result of the cold weather, and because of this, she nestled into the warmth of her thick scarf. It looked as if she was she was so preoccupied by the sight of the large construct that she had failed to notice the brooding man.
But that did not last very long. As her eyes travelled down to the foundation of the wheel, Ereshkigal let out a small yelp in surprise. After a few steps back, a quick clearing of her throat, and a short exhale, she stepped closer to the unknown man. Though still maintaining a short distance, she stopped behind him and gave a small, slightly awkward wave.
“Ah, excuse me,” she said, as puffs of steam escaped her mouth— another result of the cold weather. “Will you be entering the Ferris wheel? I was about to head in myself, but I noticed you waiting by the railing. I was wondering if you would like to enter before me.”